Thursday, April 21, 2016

Real romance a guide to transforming an online romance into an offline reality

Okay, so you’ve finally managed to ask that amazing person out (through e-mail of course) that you’ve met thru online dating but are you ready for a possibly real relationship in the real world?

Well, for starters, don’t even think that just because online dating services have somewhat made the whole dating scene a “little less complicated”, it doesn’t automatically mean that they’ve been able to make things any easier. Sure, online dating services have been able to make the whole “meet and greet” process “quick and simple” but that’s where online dating ends and real life dating begins.

There are many online dating sites on the internet that are not just offering their free online dating services and some “valuable” tips on how to get things going in the “real world” may actually help you a bit but in order for you to survive the real world dating scene, you must have realistic expectations.

While you must be open minded about the whole adult online dating scene, you must not be naпve to believe in everything that you read/see on other people’s profiles. Again, while not everyone are coming up with false claims about themselves, its better be safe than sorry.

Sometimes it’s actually wiser to just meet up with the person that you’ve met thru online dating after interacting online for just awhile. While this will give you some time to actually get to know your new “friend”, this short span of time will at least give you a hint if this person that you’ve met through online dating is really someone whom you’d like to date outside the online dating arena. Try to interact on a more “personal basis” aside from exchanging e-mails or online instant messages, why not try to communicate the “old fashioned way” by calling each other up? Sometimes you can also get a better feel of a person’s personality by the way they carry themselves while they speak. There are some people who tend to have a weird laugh, even a creepy one, so can are you still willing to date someone like that? It’s best to a least get over some of the minor glitches that comes with online dating before you end up wasting your time with the wrong person.

As for finally going out on your date with someone you’ve met from these free online dating service sites, it’s best to keep things casual at first. Don’t try to rush intimacy because it might just blow back to your face. Try to get to know more of the person you’ve met through online dating just a little deeper before you decide on “taking the plunge” because you never can be too careful with strangers. Some might actually turn out to be psychos, married people or sexual predators even. It’s always best to not let your guard down even if the person you’ve met through online dating “seems nice”.

Once you’re already sitting across your date from the online world. You must remember some simple rules when trying to engage in some “witty conversation”:

Never ask overtly sexual questions nor make sexual innuendoes: men usually commit this mistake when they meet someone that they’re really physically attracted to. While there are those who to quick test the waters and are seeking to easily get lucky. Women sometimes makes the same mistake and basically for the same reasons as men but the point is, even though these people have put themselves out in the online dating scene, they are not offering free sex to just about anyone that they meet.

Never interrogate your date: while it’s good that you’re very much interested in your date and would want to get to know him or her on a deeper level, it is never safe to assume that you can ask your date just about anything that pops in your head. This can just make your date feel every uncomfortable and uneasy – how would you feel if you been made to feel like you’re under a microscope being scrutinized?

Be open minded: always remember that you’re two different people. No matter how much you have in common, you still have your own thoughts and ideas and while you or your date may not always agree on some things it’s best not to bee too biased or judgmental over other people’s opinions.

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