You take almost half your shots around the green during your round of golf. Concentrate on that last fifty percent and dramatically improve your score.
Approach your putt the same as you do every shot, complete the pre-shot routine and execute. I have written about the first two of three steps previously: The mental aspect and reading the green. Now we address the third and final step, execution.
After you have your mind right and have read your putt, here is the template of how to execute.
Take a temporary stance near the ball. Take two or three practice swings while looking at the hole, not your ball. These swings should be similar to what you envision your putting stroke to be, BUT look at the hole, not the ball.
Next, take your real stance. Your body, feet and shoulders should be aligned with the line you want the ball to initially travel from your strike. This stance should have your feet shoulder width, eyes directly above the ball, and weight completely balanced on your feet. It should feel completely natural.
Your grip on the putter HAS to be light. (You should see the statistics on this!) Your putt requires such accuracy that any hint of tension or taught muscles will inhibit a smooth sweep of your putter down your intended line.
Once you are in your stance, do a quick check of your alignment by looking at the hole, your intended line and your putter head. Next, do the critical step: Take several seconds and look hard at the hole while visualizing the path of your ball rolling into the hole. Since you have already gotten your mind right and accurately read your putt, this will just put you in line with the previous steps. When complete, you are completely ready to putt the ball in the hole.
From your previous practice swings, you know how you will swing the putter and no longer have to even think about that. Your line has been established and all you have to do is swing your putter down your line to propel your ball the correct distance. The goal is to have enough velocity on your ball to carry it around 18 inches past the hole. If it doesn't get to the hole it will not go in. If it goes two feet too far, you can easily make the come back putt.
Now, let us execute. Without breaking your left or right wrist, draw the putter back along the target line.
How far you draw your putter back will determine how far your putt will travel. I prefer to have my back swing the same speed as my stroke with a continuous fluid event.
On your forward stroke the putter MUST follow your target line just like your backstroke. Continue this stroke though impact and down the target line. **(Want to improve your accuracy 50 to 100%?? After you strike the ball continue to stare at the spot your ball was at impact for several seconds. For example: If you have an eight foot putt, you should hear the ball fall in the hole before you see it fall in the hole.)
As a small side note – many professionals and amateurs use a line drawn on the ball to assist in alignment.
I do not use this technique, but it is valid if you need help in aligning your putt. Others, use "spot putting", similar to bowling in that they pick a spot a few feet ahead and aim at that spot vs. the hole. I have tried this over the years and have as much success using it as without.
Your final step in your entire putting event is to avoid trampling the line of your opponents as you pick your ball out of the bottom of the jar. Enjoy each of these trips!
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